Save money by heating your home with coal! Reading Anthracite coal is the best in the country and provides incredible efficiency for your stove heating options.
Homestead Coal has been a leading Anthracite dealer since 1990. Anthracite coal is an economical heating solution for homes and businesses. Coal is cost effective and more affordable than anything else on the market. A typical home can be heated on average with 3 ½ to 4 tons of coal per year. Coal provides constant and steady heat with strong consistency. We offer our customers bulk and bagged coal for delivery or pick up. All our bagged coal is packaged in 40# plastic bags with a handle for customer carrying convenience. We carry rice and chestnut sized coal in bags. We stock 5 different sizes of bulk Reading Anthracite coal that includes Rice, Buckwheat, Pea, Chestnut, and Stove. – $389.00 per ton for bulk 3 ton minimum and 5 ton maximum Our bagged coal comes in a variation of Rice Size and Chestnut. – 40 lb. bag, $10.00 per bag, $465.00 per ton.